Certified Rehab Expert L-1


  1. Downloadable CRE L-1 BOOK (Only for “Lifetime Membership” students)
  2. CRE L-1 Book
  3. Introduction To Rehabilitation
  4. Adhesive Capsulities/Frozen Shoulder
  5. Rotator Cuff Tear
  6. Shoulder Dislocation
  7. Tennis Elbow
  8. Golfer’s Elbow
  9. Piriformis Syndrome
  10. Adductor/Groin Strain
  11. Quads & Hamstring Strain
  12. Avascular Necrosis
  13. ACL Injury
  14. MCL Injury
  15. PCL Injury
  16. LCL Injury
  17. Meniscus Tear
  18. Patellar Dislocation
  19. Shin Splint
  20. Achilles Tendinitis
  21. Whiplash Injury
  22. Cervical Fracture
  23. Cervical Spondylosis
  24. Cervical Radiculopathy
  25. PIVD & Lumber Fracture
  26. Spondylosis and spondylolisthesis
  27. Pars Interarticularis & Anklosing Spondylitis
  28. Lumbar stenosis and Lumbar radiculopathy
  29. Kyphosis
  30. Iliotibial Band (ITB)
  31. Plantar Fasciitis

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